When incineration is conducted onsite, it significantly enhances biosecurity by containing potentially diseased waste within a controlled environment. High-temperature incineration immediately destroys pathogens, preventing the spread of disease. This is a crucial advantage over composting, where pathogens may survive and pose risks until the decomposition process is complete. Furthermore, onsite incineration minimizes the need for transporting hazardous waste, which reduces the risk of disease transmission through collection trucks.
Incinerators eliminate animal waste much faster than composting due to their ability to rapidly combust organic material at high temperatures, typically between 1562°F to 2192°F (800 to 1,200°C). This rapid combustion process reduces all waste, including bones and other resistant tissues, to ash within a few hours. In contrast, composting relies on the natural breakdown of organic matter by microorganisms, which can take several weeks to months. This extended timeframe not only delays the elimination of waste but also requires continuous management to maintain optimal conditions for decomposition.
Having collection trucks visit your site daily or weekly to collect fallen dead animal stock increases the rick of introducing and spreading diseases, compromising the biosecurity of your farm
In terms of labor efficiency, incinerators are superior both in loading and unloading processes. Our modern incinerators can all be loaded very easily and quickly. This is in stark contrast to composting, which often requires significant manual effort to turn and aerate the compost piles regularly. Additionally, incineration is a one-step process: waste is loaded once, burned, and the resulting ash is easily removed. Composting, however, involves multiple steps and ongoing monitoring over an extended period, increasing the labor hours required.
Incinerators also effectively eliminate odors associated with decomposing organic matter, which is a common issue with composting. Additionally, incinerators require less space compared to composting systems, making them a more efficient solution for managing animal waste in confined and controlled areas.